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Themissociijuris's Articles In Pure Technology
January 17, 2005 by Themissociijuris
1. Why effective cure for AIDS or Cancer eludes us? 2. What is FUNDAMENTALLY common or distinct between AIDS, Cancer & Tuberculosis? About three decades ago I had argued that, unlike tuberculosis, cancer did not “consume”—cancer basically involves a process of uncontrolled reproduction. Cancer and AIDS are both concerned more with software abnormalities of our bodies rather than the hardware ones—I am using the jargon of the IT since the processes therein are more familiar to the common man...
February 25, 2005 by Themissociijuris
Fundamentally, a computer does the following three tasks:- i) Add; ii) Compare; iii) Switch. The chip-design can be simplified and improved upon tremendously if we focus on the above three tasks. As we know, the tasks of subtraction, multiplication & division can all be accomplished through the simple task of addition. Comparison is a logic-tool. The full potential of switching has not yet been appreciated. By a combination of the technique of Critical Path Analysis, a 10...
September 24, 2005 by Themissociijuris
Science is a systematic study and analysis of the natural phenomena with a view to discover the laws governing the relationships between/amongst:- i) various forms and states of energy, ii) direction, acceleration & quantum of the forces released by energy, iii) space, and iv) time. Viewed this way, everything-- even blackholes, fall into place. Blackholes convert matter into energy and store the same. Prof. Gulshan Bajwa