Quantum Computing--lateral thinking
Fundamentally, a computer does the following three tasks:-
i) Add;
ii) Compare;
iii) Switch.
The chip-design can be simplified and improved upon tremendously if we focus on the above three tasks.
As we know, the tasks of subtraction, multiplication & division can all be accomplished through the simple task of addition.
Comparison is a logic-tool.
The full potential of switching has not yet been appreciated.
By a combination of the technique of Critical Path Analysis, a 100 standardised switchable sub-routines-- certain specially written sub-programmes, increasing the on-board RAM and increasing the number of data-buses we can make several tasks to run efficiently and synergically in the parallel.
If we lay down about a hundred switching protocols, create memory-resident subroutines, redesign the XML (programming language) and change the structure of the chip accordingly, we can achieve a quantum jump in the speed of computing with the existing silicon technology itself. Since XML is comparatively an evolving language and aims at facilitating inter-operability, it may be the best language for integration into the computing approach conceptualized above.
Prof. Gulshan Bajwa