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Themissociijuris's Articles In Current Events
March 8, 2007 by Themissociijuris
Here are some of the extracts from a Letter which was sent to H.E. the President of the Republic of India, by the Indian Ex-Servicemen's Bar Association (Regd):- "It is an irony of our intellectual bankruptcy in designing our various sub-systems for National governance, that:- a) Though the Research & Development is in the hands of those intellectuals who are competent in fathoming and harnessing the secrets of our Environment & the Laws of Nature, yet the fruits of the efforts of this ...
December 22, 2006 by Themissociijuris
I had posted the previous Article/Post at three different websites. And its contents seem to have reached Sanjay. But it appears from the media interviews that the Ld. Public Prosecutor is better prepared than the Ld. Defence Counsel(s) on some of the issues. The Law is as under:- Firstly, in Law & practice, a Bail means that the custody of the Accused is not given to the State (acting through the Jailor) but either to a private individual—with certain conditions, or that the Accused is...
December 9, 2006 by Themissociijuris
Does either the 'bandh' or the signature-campaign amount to contempt of court? Or could it be considered, by a somewhat stretched imagination, as an interference into the administration of Justice? At a casual glance, the warning/caution by Mr. Nikam (Ld. Public Prosecutor for the State of Maharashtra in the above case) may seem correct—but a closer look at the Indian Laws will make you agree with me that “we may reasonably beg to differ with Mr. Nikam” because:- 1) The character of t...
July 27, 2006 by Themissociijuris
Who occupies an 'Office of Profit'-- Hon'ble Chief Justice of India Mr. YK Sabherwal (as ex-officio President of the Indian Law Institute) or Dr. Anbhumani Ramadoss (as ex officio Chairman of the Governing Body of the All India Institute of Medical Sciences)?
July 12, 2006 by Themissociijuris
These days a sizeable number of the daily passengers (office-goers) in the local (including inter-city) trains carry Mobiles (cell-phones). The electronic media is also quite quick in flashing the news about man-made/natural/accidental disasters. And it is the natural human tendency that as soon as such a news is flashed, the well-wishers (near & dear ones) of these travellers start calling them on their said Mobiles—in order to know about their welfare. These factors can be conveniently...
July 4, 2006 by Themissociijuris
Will these FIRs be able to withstand the judicial scrutiny? The answer is a definite 'No'. Is an Order by a Court--directing or permitting the Narco Analysis of an accused person, bad in law? Yes. For details, please contact:- GULSHAN BAJWA M.B.I.M. (U.K.), M.B.A. (DoM, Pune), C.M.M.(Hyd.), LL.B. (CLC, Delhi), B.A. (Hons.) Econ. (Hindu College, Delhi), N.E.T.(Merit, U.G.C.), M.A.(P) Econ. (Delhi School of Economics), C.P. Russian (JNU), Compu. Prog. (NIIT & Aptech), C.French (Al...
January 3, 2005 by Themissociijuris
tsunami—coordinated relief . It is a concept—a relief-multiplier, addressed to those who have the resources, e.g. ‘Yahoo!’, ‘msn’, ‘Google’, ‘livejournal’, ‘Sikhnet’ or UNESCO itself. May I request the able leaders of the media to give this concept the widest possible exposure. Together, we can render a yeoman’s service to the millions across Nations affected by tsunami-disaster. In addition, this will also give the ...